There was a young lady from Eeling
who had a peculiar feeling.
She lay on her back
and opened her crack
and came all over the ceiling.
There once was a man from Beijing,
Who invented the wanking machine.
On the 31st stroke
the fucking thing broke
and whipped his balls into cream.
A horny woman named Lil
fucked a dynamite stick for a thrill.
They found her vagina
in North Carolina
and bits of her tit in Brazil.
There once was a lady from Crewe
who filled her vagina with glue.
She said with a grin,
"If they pay to get in
they can pay to get out of it too!"
There was a young man from Kildare
who was fucking a girl on the stair.
The bannister broke,
but he doubled his stroke
and finished her off in midair.
A maid from Bexhill on Sea,
lay with a plumber upon a setee.
Said the maid "Stop your plumbing!
There's somebody coming."
Said the plumber, still plumbing, "Its me."
Jack and Jill
went up the hill
to have a little fun.
Dozy Jill
forgot the pill
And now they have a son.
cu. _____WARLORD_______________________ I may be a bastard. But I'm not a fucking bastard. Seth Gecko "From Dusk til Dawn"
I once saw a lass in soi seven
Who promised she´d take me to heaven
But 500 bath later
I was told by a waiter
That she was a Katoy named Kevin
The rosy-cheeked lass from Dunellen
Whom the Hoboken sailors call Helen,
In her efforts to please
Spread social desease
From New York to the Straits of Megallan
Es war einmal ein Maschinist,
Der wurde dadurch Onanist,
Dass er stets auf und nieder
Die Kolbenstange gleiten sah:
Das fuhr ihm in die Glieder.
Die Haustürklingel an der Wand,
Der Mädchenbusen in der Hand,
Sind zwei Dinge, die gar sehr verwandt;
Denn wenn man beides zart berührt
Man oben deutlich spürt,
Dass unten, draußen einer steht,
Und sehnsuchtsvoll um Einlass fleht!" :banger: