Zur Feier der Buchmesse: C.Lovers neues Werk "Unschuld und Verdorbenheit"
Stuart schrieb:Yes, lot's of girls. When did you see Johanna (fully tattooed, German?) and Laura (the baltic one, silicon, hadbody, blond)? I didn't see both until around midnight.

Stuart, Verwirrt
saw them mittwoch 15 october.
Laura was hanging around with Vicky.
Johanna (fully tattooded) was with ricky and Samantha,seatted in front of me at the hight smoking tables at the left of the entrance.


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Zur Feier der Buchmesse: C.Lovers neues Werk "Unschuld und Verdorbenheit" - von cularo - 23.10.2008, 15:28